Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Little Help from My Friends

From Ian:


I needed a good racist joke to cheer me up this morning.

I don't know where that image came from, so if anyone finds out, please link me so I can credit them!

From Duane:


via Gizmag

I feel like I'm on a sinking ship today. Julien Berthier gets to feel like that every day! He cut a boat in half and redesigned the motor and keel to make a boat that looks like it's sinking but is in perfect working order. It's so cool and I really admire the idea and execution, but you know what this thing really makes me think? GOD DAMN I wish I had enough money to cut a freakin' yacht in half just because I want to.

Speaking of boats.... from Nicole:

sea nomads

sea nomads3

sea nomads2

I'm in love with these gorgeous photos by James Morgan for the NYTimes Lens blog. To get these, he taught himself Malaysian and Indonesian, went through a ton of deep sea dives, and practiced holding his breath etc. in his own bathtub. Please click through to the article page and see the rest of the images in the slideshow because they're amazing!

From Best Bets Daily:
bamboo sunglasses!

Yes, I know that NY Mag is not my friend. You know how I know that? Since I subscribed, I get junk mail from every single New York charity ever founded, as well as every single related New York publication. Thanks, NY Mag, for selling my address to Crate and Barrel, West Elm, The New Yorker, the New York Times, Time Out, the Wildlife Federation, the Prospect Park Alliance and the Food Bank TO NAME ONLY A FEW.

Anyway. I love bamboo. I love bamboo floors, bamboo cutting boards, bamboo heels for my shoes. I've always wanted to go to that place in Fujian, China that's supposed to have naturally growing square bamboo. I also love it because I used to have this Philippina coworker that pronounced it BAHM-boo. So if anyone wants to comfort me about the amount of paper I'm wasting by receiving and instantly trashing all that junk mail, maybe you could get me these sustainable bamboo sunglasses. Not only will you be protecting my eyes and putting a smile on my face, you'll be paying for someone in need in India to have eye surgery!

And finally, from Ben:

I'm not going to post the video, but if you're feeling up to it, take a look at this totally horrifying clip of a rat that gets loose on the subway and CRAWLS ON A MAN'S FACE. Thanks, Gawker.

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