Tuesday, February 28, 2012


For Love and Money
I am not the kind of person that goes around being all New Age-y and spiritual, but this talk from this year's Social Media Week, Do It For Love AND Money, was so inspirational. These women are so hardcore and smart, and they have amazing advice for anyone wanting to change their career. I highly recommend it for anyone, but for women especially. Just a few bits of advice I found most relevant for me:
  • Get used to talking about money. Women aren't used to it, so start doing it, and the more you do it, the more matter-of-fact it seems and the more comfortable you'll be.
  • Just because you like doing something doesn't mean it isn't worth money.
  • People value you at the amount you value yourself. If you don't charge much for what you do, people won't see the value in it.
  • The thing you're meant to do that makes you happiest is not necessarily the thing other people recognize you're good at. In your job, you may be known for being an amazing bookkeeper, but that doesn't mean that's what you're doomed to do. Choose the things you'd still be interested in doing if there were no people around to ask you for your time and energy.
Watch it ASAP! You can watch the rest of the Social Media Week 2012 talks online too, although their idea of organization is really unlike any other.

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